What is Dry Brush Blending?

Example of dry brush blending painting techniqueWhat is dry brush blending?

Dry brush blending is a painting technique used to blend two or more wet paint colors together using a dry brush. Dry brushing can be done using a variety of brushes, from Domed Rounds to Filberts, Rounds, Flat Shaders.

Steps and Tips for Dry Brush Blending

1. Always hold the brush at a 45 degree angle.

It is important to always hold your brush at a 45 degree angle. If you put the brush down on its tip all you’ll create are holes in your paint.

2. Load the paint on your brush then wipe it off

After loading the brush with a color, on a clean paper towel, wipe off the paint. What remains on the brush should feel almost dry.

Dry brush blending 7 year old3. Now, gently wipe the almost dry brush over the area where two colors come together.

Student Example of Dry Brush Blending

This example of Dry Brush Blending was painted by my youngest art lessons student (7 years old), using a dry brush to blend a yellow green with a blue green. See example of her results.